202131 Aug
Notice of Annual General Meeting (Year 2021)
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hong Kong Institute of Project Management (HKIPM) will be held:
Date: The 31st day of August 2021 (Tuesday)Time: 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm (Registration starts at 6:15 pm)
Venue: ZOOM meeting (Meeting link will be provided to registered member before the date of meeting)
For the purposes of considering, and if through fit, passing the following ordinary resolutions;
1. To receive and adopt the Minutes of the AGM for the Year 2020;
2. To receive and adopt the President Report for the Year 2020/2021;
3. To receive and adopt the Financial Report for the Year 2020/2021;
4. To nominate ad appoint the Auditor for the next term (2021 - 2023);
5. To nominate and appoint the Honorary Legal Advisor for the next term (2021 - 2023);
6. To elect and appoint the President and Council Members for the next term (2021 - 2023); and
7. To transact any other ordinary business
To join the HKIPM AGM 2021, please register at the following Zoom meeting link:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkc-iuqjwvGtbt9xjRlgot6us9mJs8Fmqt
The incumbent Council (2019 – 2021) is to be re-elected by vote in the AGM. If you are interested to be elected as Council Member (2021 – 2023), please return your duly completed Nomination Form by email to info@hkipm.org.hk on or before 16th August 2021 (Late submission will not be entertained).
The Proxy Form and Nomination Form are attached for your reference and necessary action.